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‘Roast’ to Good Health

Posted: Friday, 20 May 2016 16:43


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Wine and Health: ‘Roast’ to Good Health

May 20: You may like to ‘raise a toast’ to good health if you go by yet another study based on monkeys and published in Journal Frontiers in Physiology, which hypothesized that resveratrol and therefore red wine which has plenty of this anti-oxidant would counteract the negative impact of a high fat or high sugar diet on the hind leg muscles

Dr. J.P. Hyatt of the Georgetown University in Washington DC and his team came to this conclusion while studying the effects of resveratrol in the diet of rhesus monkeys, according to the report by Newsx which claims to deliver news not noise.

For the study, a control group of rhesus monkeys was fed a healthy diet and another group was fed a high fat/high sugar diet, half of which also received a resveratrol supplement while the other half did not. The researchers wanted to know how different parts of the body responded to the benefits of resveratrol - specifically the muscles in the back of the leg.
Three types of muscles were examined: a "slow" muscle, a "fast" muscle and a "mixed" muscle. The study showed that each muscle responded differently to the diet and to the addition of resveratrol. Of the three, the soleus was the most affected by the high fat/high sugar diet and also most affected by the resveratrol supplements. This may be partially due to the fact that it is used much more than the other two muscles on a daily basis.
Skeletal muscles that are phenotypically slower can sustain longer periods of activity and could contribute to improved physical activity, mobility, or stability, especially in elderly individuals," he said, when asked if this study could be applied to humans. The study has been done on monkeys only and not humans yet.

As Dr. Hyatt points out, ‘ While the results are encouraging, and there might be a temptation to continue eating a high fat and high sugar diet and simply add a glass of red wine or a cup of fruit to one's daily consumption, the researchers stress the importance of a healthy diet cannot be overemphasized.’

Resveratrol is also found naturally in blueberries, raspberries, mulberries, grape skins and consequently in red wine. The study does not share the amount of resveratrol given to the monkeys or any suggestions on how much is required for humans. It leaves too much open for future studies. It also does not reveal the source of funding or the total grant received to conduct the studies, the declaration of which is increasingly becoming more relevant and meaningful to establish reliability in results, especially when scepticism is setting in around the new studies that tend to be consigned to the libraries or fir further research and grants.

Under the circumstances, the study is more for academicians and is published only for the record and future reference, if required. DelWine recommends that one should not drink higher quantity of wine to counter high fat or high sugar diet and vice versa. There is no substitute for exercise and no study has ever proven otherwise with conviction.

Our impression is that the study published by Newsx is more noise than news. Hopefully, we will be proven wrong if some more reliable study comes out with similar results. There should be enough human subjects addicted to high fat and high sugar food, who would be available as volunteers. For details, visit:

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