The research was reported in the Journal of Sexual Medicine last week and was carried out by a team of (who else, but!) Italian doctors.
One theory put forward by these researchers who carried out the study is that the anti-oxidants found in red wine may improve sexual functioning by increasing blood flow to key areas of the body by widening the blood vessels, cautioning but nevertheless suggesting a potential relationship between red wine consumption and better sexuality.
The project, supposed to be the first of its kind examined red wine intake and the sexual function of 800 sexually healthy women between the age group of 18-50, at the University of Florence. They were split into three groups- one group drank one or two glasses, another group drank less than one glass and a third group didn't drink at all. Those drinking more than two glasses of wine were excluded from the study.
The participants answered a questionnaire called the Female Sexual Function index used by the doctors to assess sexual health of women. It includes 19 questions with a total score ranging between 2- 36, with higher scores meaning better functioning.
Those who drank one or two glasses of red wine a day scored an average of 27.3 points. Those who drank less than one scored 25.9, while non-drinkers scored 24.4.
According to the report published by the London Telegraph on Sunday, the findings are even more striking because the red wine drinkers were, on average, older than the other two groups, and age is generally associated with a declining sex drive.
<The findings reinforce our belief- Drink red wine daily: glass ek ya do, buss-editor> |