Feb 28: The 26th edition of the Neustadt-based International Wine Competition Mundusvini came to a successful end last Sunday with record entries of around 7500 samples in the Spring edition but as always, the most impressive aspect of the professionally conducted competition was the Results announced on Tuesday the 25th February at 12 pm, 2 days after it was over, reports Subhash Arora who attended the competition for 17thconsecutive time
As has become a habit- within 2 days of completion of tasting 7500 labels by 268 German and international judges from 54 countries, the result of Mundusvini were declared at 12 pm on Tuesday, 25 February and posted on their website, a record worthy of consideration for the Guinness World Record, thanks to the well-oiled German machinery as delWine puts it. Throughout the competition days and evenings, the keyboards of several computers kept on punching away by a bunch of young and dedicated IT guys under Christian Wolf, Technical Director of one of the largest expanding international competitions that dares challenge the numbers and quality of other biggies of the world.
There were 43 Grand Gold, 1546 Gold and 1406 Silver medals awarded by judges that included the lone representation of Subhash Arora from India, who made a consecutive presence for a record 17th time from India in an international competition. An interesting aspect of the competition was countries from the lesser known Central European countries bagging extraordinary high number of medals. The small country of North Macedonia with a tiny population of 2 million-less than Delhi NCR, which gained extra attention with a Master class on Macedonian wines on the penultimate day of the competition, scored 37 Medals including 24 Gold and 13 Silver. Even Bulgaria bagged 18 medals. India has yet to open account. Though the entries by any company are not disclosed, India does not normally participate in this event though Sula and Grover participate sporadically in Prowein.
Prowein connection
The expansion of the competition known for integrity may be further explained by proficiency and efficiency of the judges and the service team and the group of IT whiz kids. But Meininger is also a powerhouse of 15 publications- mostly related to wine and beverages. Christoph Meininger made a statement on the last day that his father had been one of the founders of Prowein. It is Christoph and his sister Andrea Meininger who have strengthened the relationship with Prowein.
This apparently was one of the major reasons for Mundusvini to have added Spring Tasting as well-normally in the mid to End-February, about 3 weeks before Prowein. The initial purpose as explained by Christoph Meininger when the Spring edition was introduced 6 years ago, was that producers in the Southern atmosphere wanted to send their finished wines from the previous year’s vintage in February. About 3300 entries were submitted in the maiden edition in 2014.
It was apparently an astute decision, making it effectively two competitions in a year – Spring Tasting in the last weekend of February and the Summer Tasting during the last weekend in September. Christoph Meininger had then confided to delWine that they were not interested in numbers but the quality of the competition.
The logic is better explained as many producers who are exhibitors at the annual wine show, Prowein being held on March 15-17. 2020 this year, like to showcase the award -winning wines
at their stands; medals won at Mundusvini hold a special significance for the exhibitors and their customers. Thus many people who submit their samples for the September Tasting send samples again in February after they have been aged a few months longer, and then showcase at Prowein. Last year in 2019, the total samples submitted was above 12,000.
One of the reasons the Mundusvini International Awards are admired is also because only a maximum of 40% of the samples submitted are awarded- this is in contrast to 30% that are mandatory at the OIV- affiliated competitions. But there are several international competitions which give medals up to 80% if you include the Certification of Merit or Recognition (in simple English it is a Consolation Prize) besides the three categories of Medals- Great (or Double or Grand) Gold, Gold and Silver.
For full results, visit https://www.meininger.de/
Around 650 winning wines from the MUNDUS VINI Spring Tasting will be presented to the specialist public at Prowein in Düsseldorf from March 15-17, 2020. On the first day of the fair, the MUNDUS VINI board honours the wine producers whose wines has been awarded a "Best of Show" at an award ceremony.
MUNDUS VINI was founded in 2001 by Meininger Verlag, the publication group owned byb Christoph and his sister Andrea Meininger with 2235 entries and has been one of the most important and successful wine competitions in the world ever since, thanks to the professionalism shown by the organisers.
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Mundusvini 2018: An Effective Well-oiled German Machine that spells Success
Subhash Arora
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