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Faulty Interpretation faults Wine for Seniors

Posted: Tuesday, 23 July 2013 10:55

Faulty Interpretation faults Wine for Seniors

July 23: In what appears to be a faulty inference from the latest Danish study or perhaps a faulty interpretation by the media, red wine has been blamed for negating the heart health improvement in older people because of the anti-oxidants cancelling out the benefits of exercise , according to a Report published in the Journal of Physiology and reported by the media extensively

Resveratrol found in red wine, grape skins and pips, many fruits and vegetables and chocolates, has been acclaimed as a possible anti-ageing compound that has a large number of benefits for heart health and several other physiological characteristics, according to hundreds of studies done on human beings and mice over the last two decades. Scientists at the Copenhagen University have apparently discovered to their surprise that the same Resveratrol may block many of the cardiovascular benefits of exercise including reduced blood pressure and cholesterol for older people.

According to the report in Daily Mail, a study of two months of exercise regiment disclosed that when combined with a course of Resveratrol supplements, most of the positive and well documented effects of exercise vanished. Resveratrol is supposed to improve the cardiac health by mopping up dangerous oxygen molecules known as free radicals which attack cells and tissues and cause ageing and diseases like cancer. These scientists claim that these free radicals may be needed for the body to recover after exercise.

In the study, 27 men in their mid-sixties were asked to perform eight weeks of high-intensity exercise training  with half the group administered  pills containing 250mg of Resveratrol a day; the other half received a placebo. Scientists expect to get the same result from women and younger men, says the report. The reports do not also clarify if the compound was given after the exercise or a reasonable period had elapsed. In real life, one is hardly expected to exercise for a couple of hours and polish off a bottle of red wine in order to accumulate the benefits.

Most media reports fail to point out that the amount of Resveratrol in the supplements studied was far higher than obtained from drinking wine alone. In any case, the jury is still out on the actual benefits gained from the supplement pills though it is already a multi-million dollar industry.

Despite the findings, wine lovers need not worry about the effect of the odd glass of red on their exercise routine since the amount of Resveratrol in the supplements studied was far higher than can be obtained from drinking wine alone.

Lasse Gliemann, a PhD student at The University of Copenhagen, who was the leader of the research said the team was surprised to see the results as this was contrary to what was earlier discovered in animal studies. Incidentally, many of the studies in the past have been done on mice and using the chemical that is found in wine. That is why perhaps the news story in the TOI last evening was 'conclusive' in damning red wine as it screamed ‘Red wine not good for older men’.

Source: Media Reports

Tags: Resveratrol, University of Copenhagen, Wine and HealthLasse Gliemann



Subhash Arora Says:

Thanks Lasse, exactly my point. Media has pre-conceived notions and are willing to twist the story to make it sensational. Being an engineer, I respect the studies like what you and your team has done. To me it was obvious that this was to do with the resveratrol pill and wine has nowhere near that quantity. Most people vaguely interested in wine in India, remember the headline and it becomes a cocktail circuit hot topic discussion that the studies have shown that wine is not good for older men. Period. Have a glass of red wine and let’s say Cheers to your Study. Subhash Arora, President

Posted @ June 24, 2013 10:22


Lasse Gliemann Says:

Hi Indian Wine Academy, Just to clarify – the story by TOI was faulty. Or at least their headline. We have no opinion on whether red wine should be good or bad for seniors. As noted in your article, and the press release, we gave concentrations that is 50-200 times the amount found in a bottle of red wine- like in a slow release pill taken every morning. I am not pleased to see our results being misinterpreted but it is hard to control how the media wants to sell a story. Just to clarify for you and your readers. Also attached is the full article if it should be of your interest or to your readers. Best regards. Lasse Gliemann, PhD student, MSc. Resveratrol Blunts the Positive Effects of Exercise Training on Cardiovascular, Health in Aged Men

Posted @ June 23, 2013 15:00


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