UB Group Chairman Vijay Mallya said he wants to introduce a new brand of wine called Kingfisher Wine. There's also a move to launch a luxury beer called Kingfisher Ultra, reports The Times of India.
Revealing this at the UB Group annual general meeting, Mallya said Kingfisher wine will be launched within six months. "We have the distribution muscle to push this through," he said.
Mallya said that the time had come to launch a wine brand because the Indian market was maturing fast. "We do not let opportunities like this go by," he assured shareholders.
The luxury beer could be to counter SABMiller's strategy to position its new acquisition Foster's as its luxury beer. "The segment is evolving as a niche market," said Kalyan Ganguly, UB President.
For the complete story, go to http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com