A multi sector Economic and Institutional delegation from Friuli-Venezia-Giulia (FVG), Easternmost region of Italy has arrived in India on a 6-day visit to promote its products and business relations with India .
The delegation aims to have several B2B meetings with companies from the interested sectors in India . It has been organised by indo-Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industries in conjunction with the Autonomous Region of FVG ( www.regione.fvg.it ) and the Chambers of Commerce of Trieste, Gorizia, Udine and Pordenone .
At the inaugural function held at Long Champs (originally Casa Medici -and hence the Italian connection) at Hotel Taj Man Singh yesterday the visiting dignitaries spoke at length about the region, the people, the products and how it had a lot to offer. Mr. Paolo Trichilo of the Italian Embassy was the chief guest.
Abutted by the Adriatic Sea to the south and the Alps in the north, the Italian region of Friuli Venezia-Giulia has derived a culinary tradition based on the fruits of the forest and the sea. Its unique cuisine is made up of Slav, Venetian and Austrian influences, resulting in robust dishes that burst with the flavours of local produce, including fresh fish, pork, gnocchi, asparagus, cheese and honey - not to mention fine wines and grappa.
The Food & Wine industry of Friuli Venezia-Giulia is an important component of the region's economy, made up of 1,582 enterprises. Their wines, especially the whites, are of high quality and many are made from the grapes typical of these regions. It has eight DOC denominations and one DOCG.
The 2007 edition of the most prestigious Gambero Rosso wine guide lists 29 wines from this region as getting Tre Bicchieri, the highest honour, out of a total of 282 awarded to all Italian wines. This places FVG in the third position, after Tuscany and Piedmont .
The delegation consists of 5 wineries from this region. Banear ( www.banear.it ), Castelvecchio ( www.castelvecchio.com ), Colutta ( www.colutta.com ) , La Delizia ( www.ladelizia.com ) and Le Due Torri ( www.Le2torri.com ) . The wine producers had business meetings lined up with importers and journalists yesterday and today.. |